Dear BVSD School Board Members and Dr. Anderson:

I am a parent of two school-age children and a resident of Boulder Valley School District.

I would like to express my support for the founding of Ascent Classical Academy Flatirons within BVSD. Ascent, with its classical curriculum, would offer an educational option that is currently not available through a public school in district.

I recognize that there are groups on social media that are targeting Ascent, claiming that the school will practice religious indoctrination or spreading fear that the school might become guilty of discrimination. During my tour at Golden View Classical Academy, I saw no evidence to back either of these claims. The core virtues of Golden View included courage and justice, virtues that fly in the face of discriminatory behavior.

What I did see at Golden View was students learning in a safe and orderly environment. Young students were finding the roots of English words, discussing the meanings of these roots, and applying their learning by finding other words with shared roots. In the classes we visited, a student from the class would quietly slip out of their seat, introduce him or herself to the group of adults who just walked in, and describe to the group what that particular class was doing. Given that it took me 40 minutes to drive to GVCA for a tour, our family decided that the distance and travel time was too great for us to consider.

I am grateful to live in a community with many strong schools, public and charter. I am confident that Ascent Classical Academy would be a positive addition to a district that is already academically excellent. I urge you to vote to approve the creation of Ascent Classical Academy Flatirons.

Thank you,